Thursday, August 25, 2011

Finally, cupcakes!

It's been a busy week and I haven't had much time to devote to the blogs, but yesterday was Cupcake Day, and I was able to find the time to swing by Heavenly Delight at the Old Capitol Farmers Market to pick up my week's selections. That's right -- this week, I was unable to pick just one, so I bought Cheesecake and Carrot.

I was fascinated with the idea of translating cheesecake into a cupcake, so when I finally found the time, after work, to sink my teeth into it, I was a little disappointed to find that it just tasted like a vanilla cupcake. White cake with vanilla frosting, it was delicious, but not in a cheesecake way. Maybe the frosting was supposed to be infused with a cheesecake flavor, but if it was, my tastebuds didn't pick up on it. Still tasty, but I'd pick HD's classic white cupcake with the mini-M&Ms on top if I wanted a plain vanilla cupcake.

Next up was the Carrot, for which I had high hopes. The cake was just as I like carrot cake -- no nuts. It was moist with an excellent flavor. The only problem? The cream cheese frosting was a little heavy on the sugar and a little light on the cream cheese, and it had an aftertaste that reminded me of Splenda. I doubt HD uses sweeteners in their cupcakes, so I'm not sure what was behind that. (Maybe I have defective tastebuds ....) My mom makes a luscious cream cheese frosting that she puts on pumpkin cake, and that frosting in combination with HD's carrot cake would have made quite a memorable cupcake. As it was, though, I would skip over it in future weeks at the stand.

I was in the mood for chocolate this week but didn't listen to my craving, and maybe that was part of my problem with this week's selections. There was a S'more cupcake I passed on, but maybe that would have been a better option than, say, the cheesecake. Oh well -- it's a crapshoot with cupcakes just as much as with anything else in life!

1 comment:

  1. You win some, you lose some. Better luck next time
