Sunday, August 14, 2011

Grandma Ginna's delights

This is a blog about cupcakes, but make no mistake -- there are plenty of other sweets I crave. When Camille and I paid our first visit to Springfield's new Scheels store with his two nieces last night, I discovered two things that are going to make the store's close proximity to our house potentially problematic for my all-good-things-in-moderation lifestyle -- Scheels' snack shop, Grandma Ginna's, and its cinnamon gelato and peanut butter fudge.

Unfortunately, I was unable to take photos of either. The store was closing as we were paying for our purchases, so there was no time to snap a picture of the two scoops of gelato (cinnamon and pistachio, which was also quite tasty and my favorite ice cream flavor in Paris) before we hurried to finish and clear out. I got the fudge to go and brought it home, but I, uh, forgot about the camera in my eagerness to sample. Now it's sort of, um, mostly gone. But hey, I can always go back and get more -- just so I can take a picture for the blog, of course. And then give it away... Right. Heh heh

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